Sorry about being missing in action, been so lazy to blog, i think i'm gettin to that point where i feel there's no reason to blog. well, been back in singapore for almost 3 weeks now and i think i really miss perth, miss everything about it, the beaches, the weather, the pple there... Free from noise pollution, i never fail to wake up at 745 in the morning here in singapore due to the new block across the road, not one but 2.. plus it's getting crazy to drive in singapore, with the ERP trapping you everywhere! yikes! what happened to that "beautiful green city"?, i feel like its construction city, chopping down the trees, just to build another shopping mall. sigh... well well, enough blabbering! yesterday was at clark quay for halloween nite. it was a blast! here are some pics... yes, that's my mom& dad outside attica... haha... cheers... felt like disneyland, taking the pics with the different characters... hahah Thanks for the nite, it was great fun, mwah....